; ID: 2618
; Author: Ion
; Date: 2009-11-30 13:27:20
; Title: Fish!
; Description: A pseudo-fish mesh in code

; Fishes! by Ion
; Copyright (c) 2009 E.Sandberg (Ion)
; This code is free to the public domain

;Funny variables
Type TFish
Field Entity, Yaw#, Speed#
End Type
Global fishes.TFish[999]

Graphics3D 1024, 768, 16, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
WireFrame False

;A little light
light = CreateLight()

;Set up the camera
camera = CreateCamera()
campiv = CreatePivot()
EntityParent camera, campiv
PositionEntity camera, 0, 50, -50
RotateEntity camera, 45, 0, 0
CameraClsColor camera, 64, 64, 255
CameraFogMode camera, 1
CameraFogColor camera, 64, 64, 255
CameraFogRange camera, 10, 100

;Create 100 fishes!
For i = 0 To 99
f.TFish = New TFish
f\Entity = CreateFish()
f\Yaw = Rnd(-1, 1)
f\Speed = Rnd(0.1, 0.5)
PositionEntity f\Entity, Rand(-50, 50), Rand(-50, 50), Rand(-50, 50)
RotateEntity f\Entity, 0, Rand(0, 360), Rand(-45, 45)
fishes[i] = f

While Not KeyHit(1)
TurnEntity campiv, 0, -MouseXSpeed(), 0
For i = 0 To 99
AnimateFish(fishes[i]\Entity, an + 90*i)
MoveEntity fishes[i]\Entity, fishes[i]\Speed, 0, 0
TurnEntity fishes[i]\Entity, 0, fishes[i]\Yaw, 0

an = an + Rnd(10, 20)
an = an Mod 360

MoveMouse 320, 240

;Create a fish!
Function CreateFish()
mesh = CreateMesh()
surf = CreateSurface(mesh)

v0 = AddVertex(surf, 1, 0, 0)
v1 = AddVertex(surf, 0, -0.5, 0)
v2 = AddVertex(surf, 0, 0.5, 0)
v3 = AddVertex(surf, -1, 0, -0.5)
v4 = AddVertex(surf, -1, 0, 0.5)
v5 = AddVertex(surf, -2, 0.5, 0)
v6 = AddVertex(surf, Rand(-2.5, -1), Rand(1, 1.2), 0)
v7 = AddVertex(surf, -2, -0.5, 0)
v8 = AddVertex(surf, -3, -0.8, 0)
v9 = AddVertex(surf, -3.5, -0.5, 0)
v10 = AddVertex(surf, -3.5, 1.5, 0)
v11 = AddVertex(surf, -1, Rand(0.5, -1), 0)

AddTriangle surf, v3, v2, v0
AddTriangle surf, v0, v2, v4
AddTriangle surf, v1, v3, v0
AddTriangle surf, v0, v4, v1
AddTriangle surf, v3, v5, v2
AddTriangle surf, v2, v5, v4

AddTriangle surf, v5, v6, v2
AddTriangle surf, v2, v6, v5

AddTriangle surf, v3, v7, v5
AddTriangle surf, v5, v7, v4
AddTriangle surf, v3, v1, v7
AddTriangle surf, v7, v1, v4

AddTriangle surf, v7, v10, v5
AddTriangle surf, v5, v10, v7
AddTriangle surf, v7, v9, v10
AddTriangle surf, v10, v9, v7
AddTriangle surf, v8, v9, v7
AddTriangle surf, v7, v9, v8

AddTriangle surf, v11, v7, v1
AddTriangle surf, v1, v7, v11

UpdateNormals mesh

;Color fish!
For i = 0 To 10
VertexColor surf, i, Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255)
EntityFX mesh, 2
Return mesh
End Function

;Stops a fish's animation!
Function StopFish(mesh)
surf = GetSurface(mesh, 1)
VertexCoords surf, 10, VertexX(surf, 10), VertexY(surf, 10), 0
VertexCoords surf, 9, VertexX(surf, 9), VertexY(surf, 9), 0
VertexCoords surf, 8, VertexX(surf, 8), VertexY(surf, 8), 0
VertexCoords surf, 6, VertexX(surf, 6), VertexY(surf, 6), 0
VertexCoords surf, 5, VertexX(surf, 5), VertexY(surf, 5), 0
VertexCoords surf, 7, VertexX(surf, 7), VertexY(surf, 7), 0
VertexCoords surf, 11, VertexX(surf, 11), VertexY(surf, 11), 0

VertexCoords surf, 3, VertexX(surf, 3), VertexY(surf, 3), -0.5
VertexCoords surf, 4, VertexX(surf, 4), VertexY(surf, 4), 0.5
VertexCoords surf, 2, VertexX(surf, 2), VertexY(surf, 2), 0
VertexCoords surf, 1, VertexX(surf, 1), VertexY(surf, 1), 0
End Function

;Animate a fish!
Function AnimateFish(mesh, an#)
surf = GetSurface(mesh, 1)
VertexCoords surf, 10, VertexX(surf, 10), VertexY(surf, 10), Sin(an)*0.5
VertexCoords surf, 9, VertexX(surf, 9), VertexY(surf, 9), Sin(an)*0.5
VertexCoords surf, 8, VertexX(surf, 8), VertexY(surf, 8), Sin(an)*0.5
VertexCoords surf, 6, VertexX(surf, 6), VertexY(surf, 6), Cos(an)*-0.2
VertexCoords surf, 5, VertexX(surf, 5), VertexY(surf, 5), Cos(an)*-0.2
VertexCoords surf, 7, VertexX(surf, 7), VertexY(surf, 7), Cos(an)*-0.2
VertexCoords surf, 11, VertexX(surf, 11), VertexY(surf, 11), Cos(an)*-0.2

VertexCoords surf, 3, VertexX(surf, 3), VertexY(surf, 3), -0.5+Cos(an)*-0.1
VertexCoords surf, 4, VertexX(surf, 4), VertexY(surf, 4), 0.5+Cos(an)*-0.1
VertexCoords surf, 2, VertexX(surf, 2), VertexY(surf, 2), Sin(an)*-0.1
VertexCoords surf, 1, VertexX(surf, 1), VertexY(surf, 1), Sin(an)*-0.1
End Function

3d fpg.bb
Graphics 600,666,0,2
AppTitle "game v1"
Global x,y,a

Print "welcome to game"
While Int(Input$("guess the no. 1*-10 "))<>n
Print "incorrect"
Print "correct"

3d nail.bb
Graphics3D 640,400,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
MoveEntity cube,0,-7,0
EntityParent cube,nail
MoveEntity nail,0,5,0
TurnEntity CreateLight(),80,0,0
MoveEntity CreateCamera(),0,0,-10
TurnEntity nail,0,0.2,x
If x<-3.3 Or x>3.3 Then xd=-xd

Graphics3D 640,400
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
MoveEntity cube,0,-7,0
EntityParent cube,nail
MoveEntity nail,0,5,0
TurnEntity CreateLight(),80,0,0
MoveEntity CreateCamera(),0,0,-10
TurnEntity nail,0,0.2,x
If x<-3.3 Or x>3.3 Then xd=-xd

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,0,-3

WireFrame 1
sph = CreateSphere()

Texture = CreateRandomTexture(128)

EntityTexture sph,texture

While Not KeyHit(1)
If KeyHit(17) Then wire = 1-wire:WireFrame wire

If KeyHit(200) And LOD < 3 Then sph = LOD_Divide(sph):EntityTexture sph,texture:LOD = LOD + 1
If KeyHit(208) And LOD > 0 Then sph = LOD_Reduce(sph):EntityTexture sph,texture:LOD = LOD - 1
Locate 0,0 : Color 255,255,255
Print "Triangle Count: " + TrisRendered()
Print "Press Up Arrow to Increase LOD"
Print "Press Down Arrow to Decrease LOD"
Print "Press W for Wire Frame"

Function LOD_Divide(Mesh)

Local DestMesh,Surf,RefSurf,Cnt,A
Local X1#,Y1#,Z1#,U1#,V1#
Local X2#,Y2#,Z2#,U2#,V2#
Local X3#,Y3#,Z3#,U3#,V3#
Local X4#,Y4#,Z4#,U4#,V4#
Local X5#,Y5#,Z5#,U5#,V5#
Local X6#,Y6#,Z6#,U6#,V6#
Local Vert1,Vert2,Vert3,Vert4,Vert5,Vert6

DestMesh = CreateMesh()
Surf = CreateSurface(DestMesh)
RefSurf = GetSurface(Mesh,CountSurfaces(Mesh))
Cnt = CountTriangles(RefSurf)

For A = 0 To Cnt-1




Vert1 = AddVertex (Surf,X1,Y1,Z1,U1,V1) ;Original
Vert2 = AddVertex (Surf,X2,Y2,Z2,U2,V2) ;Original
Vert3 = AddVertex (Surf,X3,Y3,Z3,U3,V3) ;Original

Vert4 = AddVertex (Surf,X4,Y4,Z4,U4,V4)
Vert5 = AddVertex (Surf,X5,Y5,Z5,U5,V5)
Vert6 = AddVertex (Surf,X6,Y6,Z6,U6,V6)

AddTriangle Surf,Vert1,Vert4,Vert6
AddTriangle Surf,Vert2,Vert5,Vert4
AddTriangle Surf,Vert3,Vert6,Vert5
AddTriangle Surf,Vert4,Vert5,Vert6

UpdateNormals DestMesh
FreeEntity Mesh
Return DestMesh
End Function

Function LOD_Reduce(Mesh)

Local Destmesh,Surf,RefSurf,Cnt,A
Local X1#,Y1#,Z1#,U1#,V1#
Local X2#,Y2#,Z2#,U2#,V2#
Local X3#,Y3#,Z3#,U3#,V3#
Local Vert1,Vert2,Vert3

For A=0 To Cnt-1 Step 4



Vert1 = AddVertex (Surf,X1,Y1,Z1,U1,V1) ;Original
Vert2 = AddVertex (Surf,X2,Y2,Z2,U2,V2) ;Original
Vert3 = AddVertex (Surf,X3,Y3,Z3,U3,V3) ;Original
AddTriangle Surf,Vert1,Vert2,Vert3
UpdateNormals Destmesh
FreeEntity Mesh
Return Destmesh

End Function

Function CreateRandomTexture(size)
t = CreateTexture(size,size)

SetBuffer TextureBuffer(t)
For i = 0 To 99
Color Rand(255),Rand(255),Rand(255)
Rect Rand(size),Rand(size),Rand(size),Rand(size),0

Return t

End Function

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graphics 555,555,0,2
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plot 399, 135
plot 402, 135
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plot 413, 135
plot 416, 135
plot 382, 132
plot 378, 135
plot 375, 135
plot 371, 139
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plot 361, 146
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plot 354, 149
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plot 326, 167
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plot 287, 195
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plot 266, 219
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plot 256, 226
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plot 252, 230
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plot 249, 233
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plot 242, 240
plot 238, 240
plot 231, 244
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plot 224, 251
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plot 196, 279
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plot 423, 27
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plot 427, 30
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plot 256, 244
plot 259, 244
plot 259, 247
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plot 262, 254
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plot 266, 248
plot 266, 244
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plot 273, 244
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plot 280, 223
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plot 283, 209
plot 287, 209
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plot 297, 209
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plot 304, 209
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plot 308, 216
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plot 291, 226
plot 294, 226
plot 297, 226
plot 301, 226
plot 301, 223
plot 304, 223
plot 301, 226
plot 301, 230
plot 298, 230
plot 298, 233
plot 294, 233
plot 294, 237
plot 291, 240
plot 291, 240

Graphics 640,480; Change to graphics mode, nothing tricky yet.
Origin 320,240 ; Move the point of orign for all drawing commands to the middle of the screen.

For degrees=0 To 359; Step though all the degrees in a circle (360 in all)
Delay(5); Wait 5 milli secsonds.

; The next line calculates the Y coordinate of the point of the circle using the Sin
; command, and multiplies it by 100 (to get a larger radius, try and change it).

y=-y ; Invert Y coordinate to represent it properly on screen.

; The next line calculates the X coordinate of the point of the circle using the Cos,
; command, and multiplies it by 100 (to get a larger radius, try and change it).

Plot x,y; Draw the current point on the circle.

Next ; Give us another angle

MouseWait ; Wait for the mouse.
End ; Terminate the program.

compiled draw.bb
Graphics 555,555,0,2
AppTitle "draw fast compiled "
WriteLine f,"graphics 555,555,0,2"
While Not KeyHit(1)
If MouseDown(1) And( MouseXSpeed() <>0 Or MouseYSpeed()<>0) Then
Plot MouseX(), MouseY()
WriteLine(f,"plot "+MouseX()+", "+MouseY())
End If
WriteLine f,"waitkey"

AppTitle "guess the no. 1 tO 10"
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
i=Int(Input$("guess the no. 1 tO 10?"))
If i=n Then
Print "Correct!"
If i>n Then
Print "lower"
Print "higher"
End If
End If

Graphics 666,777,0,2
AppTitle "house"
Line 1,99,50,2
Line 50,2,198,99
Line 1,200,200,201

Graphics 666,666,0,2
AppTitle "kaland"
Print "egy erdoben vagy."
Print "van egy gomba a foldon."
Print "van egy piros virag itt."
Print ""
Select Trim$(Input$("Mit tenni?"))
Case "enni gomba","enni gombat","ed meg gombat","ed meg a gombat","edd meg a gombat","emeld gomba"
Print "felemelted es megeted a gombat."
Case "nez virag","nezd virag","nezd piros virag"
Print "piros"
Case "tepd"
Print "nem"
Print "nem ertem."
End Select

Graphics 666,666,0,2
AppTitle "ketto"
Text 333,333,"2",1,1

Graphics 666,666,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
While Not KeyHit(1)
For m=1 To 12
Text Cos(359.0/Float(m))*(GraphicsWidth()/2)+(GraphicsWidth()/2),Sin(359.0/Float(m))*(GraphicsHeight()/2)+(GraphicsHeight()/2),Str$(m),1,1
Line GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,(Cos(i Mod 359)*(GraphicsWidth()/2))+(GraphicsWidth()/2),(-(Sin(i Mod 359)*(GraphicsHeight()/2)))+(GraphicsHeight()/2)

Graphics 666,666,0,2
Color 0,222,255
Oval 132,300,444,77,1
Color 77,77,77
Oval 0,333,666,134,1

SeedRnd MilliSecs()
AppTitle "matek kérdés"
c=Int(Input$("MI "+a+" + "+b+"?"))
If c=a+b Then
Print "igaz!"
Print "nem igy van..."
End If

mouse speed.bb
Graphics 555,555,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
While Not KeyHit(1)
Color min(255,50*MouseXSpeed()),222,min(255,50*MouseYSpeed())
Oval MouseX(),MouseY(),Abs(MouseXSpeed()),Abs(MouseYSpeed()),1
Function min(a,b)
If aReturn a
Return b
End If
End Function

Local x=0,y=0
AppTitle "Press the arrows to move"
While Not KeyHit(1)
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Oval 3+x,3+y,55,55,0
If KeyHit(200) Then
Else If KeyHit(208) Then
Else If KeyHit(203) Then
Else If KeyHit(205) Then
End If

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